Webdesign made with Passion

A beautiful website sells!
Let's talk about your individual offer.

Tailor-made solutions

Be it Webdesign, SEO, or Copywriting -
We take care of everything needed to boost your brand and increase business success!


We make user-friendly, compelling, and tailor-made business websites that sell!

WordPress & Ecommerce CMS

WordPress is a very mature solution for your content canagement needs, such as online shops or large websites. We build, you manage!


More exposure = More customers! Our search engine optimization maximizes exposure of your business website, increasing visitors and thereby sales - it's a pure numbers game!


Persuasive email and sales copy is essential to increase your conversion rates - so let us take care of that!

What makes SGA the better agency?

Webdesign, that sells
Blazing fast page speed
Mobile Optimization
No annoying cookie banners

Don't take our word for it -
Read from our clients!

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Person ABC
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Person XZY

Book a free call now!

Let's chat about your individual offer!
If you already have a business website, secure yourself a free website audit!

+41 123 45 67 89